Thursday, August 3, 2023

PhD sketchbooks: IBL (8/11/21 - 31/12/21)

In which I thought about the thesis, and various things that didn't happen. (Timelapse video here!)

Potential page layouts for thesis. Wondering about putting some historical sublime into Charley - I'd already used the contemporary concept of the Sublime (compare it to Beauty, see also SBA) when I designed him, so why not extend it? Also some panels for a postdoctoral project.

Character designs for Thomas Harrison, Frank Addison, Mrs Young, and Richard Seaton for (U)KA, based on the four classical elements. Further development work on this theme in SBF.

I was thinking of doing another outcome, consisting of pretend ephemera, which would have had similar functions to Disorder and (U)KA in that it could be rearranged and reinterpreted by an audience. I didn't get round to it, and ended up having my thesis as the third outcome. I made something like this during my MA; that project was about a group of ancient Egyptian characters.

More ideas for outcome three. Most of these things emphasised the created nature of history. 

I started making a couple of items - some fake packaging, some air-dry clay objects - and this thing, which turned into a tiny booklet of relevant definitions, which I took from Barclay's Universal English Dictionary (I've got an edition c.1812) and Dinsdale's Teesdale Glossary (1849). (I started looking at Dinsdale's Glossary in IBJ.)

I also wanted to make some fake packaging for Dixon's shop (he was a grocer and tea dealer in Barnard Castle, in addition to being a very energetic Methodist lay preacher) but recontextualised to c.1990s - pointing out the created nature of history using deliberate anachronism - also involving presence of the creator/ researcher (my memories of supermarkets when I was very small) - the Sainsburys Archive has some delights such as this 1991 leaflet for premium Fuji apples and the rather charming illustrations on a box of mixed fruit tea bags - I don't remember anything specific but just a general vibe

Not many exciting things here! Go back to the sketchbook index to choose something more diverting.

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Characterisation of Charley and Ann - or, Beauty and Sublimity

[Looks like I'd started writing this in 2021, and only now I am getting round to posting it. Hang about, we've got the word "su...