Wednesday, August 2, 2023

PhD sketchbooks: IBI (20/9/20 - 29/10/20)

In addition to Disorder stuff, this one's got some early ideas about what became (U)KA. (Timelapse video here!)

Starting to design some of the people whose names appear in the same documents as William's name at Durham County Record Office, cross-referenced with an electoral register from 1834 (UK Poll Books & Electoral Registers, 1538-1893, which I downloaded on a trip to the National Archives)

More ideas for Bridget's pages of Disorder, including a reference to Théodore Géricault's Raft of the Medusa (1818-19)

Most of this spread is ideas for the boys' pages, except the upper left-hand page, which is when I had an ocular migraine and temporarily lost some of the sight in my right eye for, like, half a day. Looks like it might've impaired my drawing ability. (This was entertaining, but not the funniest medical drama I had when I was working on Disorder - that was my appendix. The link doesn't lead to anything grisly, just sketchbook IBJ which has some useful drawings that I got out of the experience.)

Another visual list-diagram-thing of William's associates, this time from London. These people mostly turn up in his adverts - prospective clients could visit them and ask them about his school

I needed reference for ceramics for Bridget's visual language, so I used some auction collections (the Tom Walford Collection of British Pottery and Fine Glass and British Ceramics, both Bonhams) to find some decent shapes

Further work towards Bridget's pages

Most of the graphite on this spread is about some of the symbols I included in Bridget's pages. Upper right-hand page has a silly drawing about the power of the researcher/ creator in depicting people from your case study. 

Initial ideas about layouts for pages in the thesis

Bits for that paper. I wish I'd given it a slightly different title. I dunno, it just seems a bit lofty... I must've thought it was decent at the time, and it does describe the contents, does what it says on the tin, so I suppose it's alright really

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