My first book, Disorder, is now available as a free download!
Disorder is
A graphic history.
An audacious experiment.
A history book.
A comic.
An exploratory visual analysis of some historiographical concepts.
An interactive detective game.
A demonstration of drawing as a research method.
On the surface, Disorder is a speculative piece about the potential impact of a situation on a schoolmaster in nineteenth century Yorkshire, and the possible repercussions that it may have had on his school and his family - but, on a deeper level, Disorder is about imaginative interpretation: that of the creator, of the audience, and of the characters depicted.
It's got a big introduction, 44 pages of comic, a copious conclusion, and a select bibliography. If you read the words, you'll understand more about my thinking behind it, but if you just want to look at the pictures, that's cool too.
It's about getting you, the viewer, to act a bit like a historian - you can print it out, rearrange it, and make your own narratives, in a similar way to how a historian would take traces of the past and make narratives out of those. (I've phrased that a lot better in the book itself.)
Huge project that I've been sitting on. Please download it and tell me what you think!
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